Looking for Child Care

Childcaring provides free referrals to families looking for regulated child care that meets their needs within our service delivery area. 

Online: Visit our online search directory.  Immediately have your results to save or print. Remember, the list of current providers changes frequently so check back for an updated list.

By Phone: call 1.800.628.8534 (or stop in our office) to speak with a referral specialist. 

Enhanced Referral: call us for a more detailed intake process including individual assessment of your specific child care needs. This type of referral includes information such as potential openings. 

Childcaring provides information on regulated child care; we do not recommend one program over another.

When searching for child care it is important for you and your family to feel comfortable with your choice in provider. 

We recommend always doing your homework before making your choice.  Ask for references, visit the provider (both announced and unannounced), view compliance history, etc. Here are a few resources to help with your search.

Understanding Child Care Regulation – Wisconsin State Law: 

Anyone providing care and supervision for four (4) or more children, under age 7 years, for less than 24 hours a day must be certified/licensed by the Department of Children and Families.  The following links provide more information on legal child care: 

Your Child Care – Is It Legal / Cuidado Infantil – ¿es legal?

Regulated child care providers are monitored for compliance with health and safety standards. To view compliance history click the following link and search for your provider.  Non-compliances will be listed in the Regulation Details. 

This type of regulation allows you to care for 1 to 3 unrelated children, in your home, under age 7. The maximum group size for certification is 6 children.

This type of regulation allows you to care for 4 to 8 children, in your home, depending on the age of the children. The maximum group size for licensing is 8, including the providers own children under 7 and any additional children over 7.

This type of regulation allows you to care for 9 or more children, typically in a commercial building, depending on the space available. Children are typically group together by ages, and staff must maintain staff-to-child rations and maximum group sizes based on the age of the children.

Why Choosing Quality Child Care Matters

Choosing quality child care makes today better and tomorrow brighter for your child.  The early years in a child's life are very important for health and development.  During the first five years a child's brain is the most flexible, making it an important time for learning and growth.  Quality child care helps your child get off to the best possible start and paves the way for them in the future.