Starting a Child Care Business

Do you have questions about providing child care?

Childcaring holds free, virtual informational start-up meetings to educate potential providers about the different types of care, available resources, and provide start-up grants.  We are here to help and support you through the start up process.  To learn more, register for one of our meetings and request a potential provider packet below!

Wednesday, September 18
6:00 pM – 8:00 PM
Register by Sept 15

Tuesday, November 5
12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Register By Nov 3

Childcaring provides grants to assist individuals with start-up costs associated with opening an providing regulated care! 

Grants range from $500 – $2,500, depending on the type of care you plan on providing. 

Allowable expenses include but are not limited to the following: cribs, high chairs, fire extinguishers, safety gates, outdoor play materials, and course registration fees/books. 

To learn more about our start-up grants or to request and application, please contact Childcaring!

Childcaring muaj ob peb yam kev pab dawb los qhia cov yuav ua certified los yog licensed zov menyuam. Koj yuav muaj feem tau ib qho nyiaj los pab pib koj lub chaw zov menyuam thiab.

(Childcaring provides a variety of free services to help you start a certified or licensed child care business. You may be eligible for a start up grant).

Xav tau kev pab pes/txhais daim ntawv xovxwm no thov hu tuaj rau Kao Lai Xiong 715-841-9490 Hnub Monday-Friday 8:30 txog 4:30

For Hmong bilingual services, call (715-841-9490) or email Kao Lai Xiong for more information. 

Understanding Regulation – Wisconsin State Law

Anyone providing care and supervision for four (4) or more children, under age 7 years, for less than 24 hours a day must be licensed by the Department of Children and Families.

Your Child Care – Is it Legal?  Find out more information here

The state of WI provides two types of child care regulation.

Certified family child care provides care in the providers own home. This type of regulation allows you to care for 1 to 3 unrelated children under age 7. The maximum group size for certification is 6 children.

Childcaring provides certification in the following counties: Adams, Clark, Langlade, Lincoln, Marquette, Portage, and Waushara.

To learn more about becoming certified click here

Licensed Family Child Care provides care in the providers own home. This type of regulation allows you to care for 4 to 8 children, depending on the age of the children in care. The maximum group size for licensed child care is 8, including the providers own children under 7 and any additional children over 7.

Licensed Group Child Care usually takes place in a commercial building. This type of regulation allows you to care for 9 or more children depending on the space available. Children are typically group together by ages, and staff must maintain staff-to-child rations and maximum group sizes based on the age of the children.

To learn more about becoming licensed click here. 

Benefits of Regulated Child Care

CCR&R Services:  Once regulated, you business will receive a variety of support from Childcaring.

  • Child Care Referrals: Your business will be added to our database to share with parents looking for child care.
  • Technical Assistance:  We are here for you!  Childcaring staff are only a phone, email, or visit away. Contact our team with questions you have pertaining to early childhood.  
  • Professional Growth & Networking: Attend one of our training events, sign up for our listserv’s and quarterly newsletter, or participate in support groups.  We are here to help continue your education and development as early childhood professionals. 

Child Care Counts: All regulated programs are eligible to apply. These funds will be distributed through different categories, targeting the challenges early care and education providers are facing such as: Access to Quality Care; Workforce Recruitment and Retention; Inclusive Spaces. 

YoungStar (YS): Once regulated, your business is eligible to participate in YoungStar, Wisconsin's quality rating and improvement system.  

Child Care Subsidy: Once regulated and participating in YoungStar, your business is eligible to accept families receiving Wisconsin Shares child care assistance. You may also be eligible to participate in other local programs, such as Good Start Grants.

Child & Adult Care Food Program: Once regulated, your business is eligible to join the CACFP to be reimbursed for the meals and snacks you serve in your program.