Week of the Young Child
Music Monday
- Classic Beating on Pots & Pans (Hands On As We Grow)
- Music and Movement Activities for Children (Empowered Educator)
- Simple Water Glass Xylophone Science Project (Homeschool Hub)
- https://www.parentsfirst.babyfirsttv.com/post/diy-drums
- http://www.earlyliteracylearning.org/cellpract_parent/infants/PG_1_I_MoreInfFing_WM.pdf
- https://scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/infants-toddlersactivities-musical-activities
Work Together Wednesday
Artsy Thursday
- Milk Toast Rainbows (123 Homeschool 4 Me)
- https://www.growingajeweledrose.com/2013/04/spring-art-for-kids.html
- https://www.childfun.com/themes/seasonal/spring/
- https://playtolearnpreschool.us/colorful-butterfly-sun-catchers-process-art-preschoolers/
- https://teaching2and3yearolds.com/easy-toddler-process-art-activities/
Family Friday
- Family Friday 2017 (Preschool Play)
- Favorite Books for Children (Ooey Gooey, Inc.)
- 7 Ways to Make Gardening With Kids Fun and Full of Learning (Waterford.org)
- https://www.parents.com/fun/activities/outdoor/weekend-family-activities/?slide=slide_77a3f79f-af9b-4d90-996c-165ff2ca56d1#slide_77a3f79f-af9b-4d90-996c-165ff2ca56d1
- https://familyeguide.com/boredom-busters-110-fun-at-home-activities-for-families-kids-2/
- https://www.superhealthykids.com/kid-fitness/yoga-meditation-kids/
- https://www.waterford.org/resources/gardening-with-kids/
Join us for a fun-filled week celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers, families, and communities.
Provider Appreciation Day
Provider Appreciation Day® is a special day in May to recognize child care providers, teachers and other educators of young children everywhere.
Caring for Children With Special Needs
- A Thinking Guide to Inclusive Child Care
- The YoungStar Inclusion web pages provide helpful tips and resources for
child care providers and families. - Child Find is a continuous process of public awareness activities which may include screening, designed to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities who may be in need of early intervention programs of special education as soon as possible.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Early Childhood Education Vaccine Information
COVID-19 Guidance
- WI Department of Children and Families (DCF)
(Orders, Guidance, & Child Welfare Information) - Subscribe to the DCF Child Care listserv. DCF Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) will send updates every Tuesday and Thursday, throughout the pandemic.
- Read Previous DCF Child Care Listserv Messages
- Get involved. Use the Childcare Aware search to find your elected officials.
- Child Care Provider Updates from DCF (4/7/20)
- New and Updated Information on WI Shares and Rule Flexibility (4/2)
- DCF Provider Call with Governor on 3/26 @ 1 p.m.
- Important Guidance on Safer at Home Order (3/24/20)
- Updates on Governor Evers’ Safer at Home (3/23/20)
- Meeting Wisconsin’s Child Care and School-Age Needs (3/19/20)
- DCF’s latest Guidance for Providers
- Governor Evers’ latest Executive Order limiting child care facilities to 10 employees at a time and 50 children
- FAQ about the Executive Order limiting care
- DCF Guidance on WI Shares under COVID-19
- NAEYC Statement: Child Care is Essential and Needs Emergency Support to Survive
- Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission (See page 4: Schools/childcare)
- Up-to-date Information about COVID-19 Outbreak in Wisconsin
For Early Childhood Professionals
- Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program – Applications for the new program open on Monday, November 8, 2021 and close on Friday, November 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., with opportunities for new programs to apply for in future months.
- COVID-19: Child Care Providers – Testing support for child care programs -Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- COVID-19 Childcare Center & School Guidance (Wood County Health Dept.)
- Subscribe to the DCF Child Care listserv. DCF Division of Early Care and Education (DECE) will send updates every Tuesday and Thursday, throughout the pandemic.
- In addition to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), several state agencies, including the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), are committed to working together to help build a more sustainable future for Wisconsin’s ECE providers and families. The opportunities listed in this PDF can be used to invest in worker training, move or expand existing child care centers, and cover the cost of COVID-related sick leave. (September 16, 2021 DCF Child Care listserv)
- DCF COVID-19 Child Care Resources
- Read Previous DCF Child Care Listserv Messages
- Subscribe to the Childcaring email listserves
- Preschool Development Grant Updates(PDG)introduced the Celebrate Early Care and Education campaign to thank early care educators for supporting young children and families. Consider sending a fun thank you note to a favorite teacher via our easy-to-use webform.
- COVID-19 Tools for Childcare Providers (Fall 2020) The Wood County Health Department has created a toolkit to assist childcare providers in making decisions for the health and safety of those they serve. The goal of this document is to provide information for what to expect when it comes to COVID-19 and childcare. For questions or additional resources, please contact Erica Sherman at esherman@co.wood.wi.us
- October issue of Natural Resources; resources to support families who are experiencing adversity, change, and uncertainty
- Let your licensor or certifier know if your closure status has changed.
- Get involved. Use the Childcare Aware search to find your elected officials.
- Coping With COVID-19 (NAEYC)
- Stop the Spread of Germs poster – English / Spanish
- COVID-19 Fact Sheet
- FDA updates on hand sanitizers with methanol
- Tips for Supporting Infants & Young Children’s Transition as We Re-open
- Pandemic Flu Plan Checklist for Child Care Administrators
- Hand Washing Sign
- Poster: Protect from Respiratory Illness
- Sample letter to families regarding the coronavirus (WECA)
- Sample policy letter on closures due to large scale illness (WECA)
- Child Care and The Prevention of Covid-19 Cautionary Procedures (WECA)
- No Kid Hungry offering COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grants
- Wisconsin Shared Education Resources (WISER)
- Tom Copeland’s Taking Care of Business
- Well Badger Resource Center – COVID-19 Help Page
- WI-AIMH (WI Alliance for Infant Mental Health)-You’re Not Alone
- Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Based Social Emotional Learning from Dr. Becky Bailey (https://consciousdiscipline.com/ )
- Marshfield Clinic – Kids Activity Calendar and Live Facebook Events
Family Support & Resources
- October issue of Natural Resources; resources to support families who are experiencing adversity, change, and uncertainty
- Extension’s Life Span Program has developed a variety of decision guides titled “Moving Forward During COVID-19 – Deciding Who, When, & How”
- Tips for Supporting Infants & Young Children’s Transition as We Re-open
- Tips for placing your child in the care of a family member, friend, or neighbor
- Download the “Navigating child care during a public health emergency” posters to help families make decisions and plans related to child care 2-Page Flyer and 11×17 Poster
- How the Protective Factors can help navigate COVID-19
- Resources for parents working with kids at home
- No Kid Hungry emergency grant request
- Free lessons and activities for young children
- The CIRCLE Family Activity Collection translates child development research into practice by providing a variety of hands-on activities that families can do at home. This collection is organized around seven learning domains: Language & Communication, Reading & Writing, Math, Science, Social & Emotional, Physical Development, and Art & Sensory.
- Good Things for Young Children have created a set of developmentally appropriate ideas to engage with children and made those resources available in English and Spanish. The activities support learning and development across all domains.
- Learning 4 Kids is set up to assist readers in locating activities that will playfully support learning and development. The activities are developmentally appropriate for each age category and support multiple domains.
- Well Badger Resource Center – COVID-19 Help Page
- The Fred Rogers Center-Support for Helpers During Coronavirus
- Lakeshore / Lakeshore Craft Ideas & Activities
- Kaplan – 1000+ Free Activities & Resources
- Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Based Social Emotional Learning from Dr. Becky Bailey (https://consciousdiscipline.com/ )
- Marshfield Clinic – Kids Activity Calendar and Live Facebook Events
Health Resources for Employees & Children
- COVID-19 Resilient Wisconsin – Resilient Wisconsin brings together the latest evidence-based tools and trauma-informed practices.
- COVID-19 Tools for Childcare Providers (Fall 2020) The Wood County Health Department has created a toolkit to assist childcare providers in making decisions for the health and safety of those they serve. The goal of this document is to provide information for what to expect when it comes to COVID-19 and childcare. For questions or additional resources, please contact Erica Sherman at esherman@co.wood.wi.us
- Virus Anxiety – Link to strategies to managing anxiety associated with COVID-19.
- Ten Percent Happier – a COVID-19 sanity guide to help guide you through this challenging time.
- Headspace – Free meditations with topics like sleep mindfulness.
- Mental Health America (MHA) – To aid individuals and communities during this time, MHA has compiled a range of resources on mental health.
- Child Mind Institute – Supporting families during COVID-19.
- XO-LP – Offering free coloring sheets.
- Action for Healthy Kids – Nutrition, physical activity and mindfulness to keep your children healthy.
- FamilyApp – Family tools and resources amidst COVID-19.
- Make it OK – Resources, podcasts, toolkits, stories and more.
- Talkspace – Free therapist-led support groups via Facebook and COVID-19 Anxiety Resource Center
- The Free Mindfulness Project
- Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
Back to School Information
Back to School Guidance
The Department of Children and Families’ (DCF) and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) strongly recommend collaboration between child care providers and local education agencies (LEAs)/schools to find ways to meet family needs. They have produced a series of Back to School guidance documents to help child care providers, LEAs, and parents navigate the reopening of school this fall.
Child Care Provider Roles and Responsibilities for the School Year 2020-2021
DCF has received numerous questions from child care providers about their roles and responsibilities when caring for school-age children. DCF has developed a flyer that outlines general expectations for child care providers and school teachers during the 2020-2021 school year.
COVID-19 Information for School Health Services Webpage (Department of Public Instruction)
National, State, Local Organizations
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services
- World Health Organization
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Local Health Department
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families
- Child Care Aware® of America
- Supporting Families Together Association (SFTA) – COVID-19 Information for Parents and Providers
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) – Coping with COVID-19
- Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) COVID 19 Resource Page
- 211 Wisconsin (211 connects people with thousands of nonprofit and government services in their area)
- Click here to find your county Extension office.
Financial Resources
- Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program – Applications for the new program open on Monday, November 8, 2021 and close on Friday, November 19, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., with opportunities for new programs to apply for in future months.
- In addition to the Department of Children and Families (DCF), several state agencies, including the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), are committed to working together to help build a more sustainable future for Wisconsin’s ECE providers and families. The opportunities listed in this PDF can be used to invest in worker training, move or expand existing child care centers, and cover the cost of COVID-related sick leave. (September 16, 2021 DCF Child Care listserv)
- The Child Care Counts: COVID-19 Supplementary Payment Program – Round 2 has similar criteria to the most recent awards. It consists of two programs targeted at the current challenges early care and education providers face. The application period runs October 26, 2020 through November 6, 2020. Applications and program eligibility details will be available on DCF’s website starting October 26, 2020 with the application window closing November 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
- Financial Resources to help get through COVID-19 ( UW-Madison Extension)
- Tools to cope with financial impact of COVID-19 (University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension)
- No Kid Hungry offering COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grants
- Local, WI Shares Contact Info: https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/files/wishares/pdf/providercontacts.pdf
- Child Care Subsidy and Technical Assistance line at: childcare@wisconsin.gov or (608) 422-7200.
For Child Care Businesses
- Apply for New Child Care Counts Funding Sept. 9-18, 2020
Governor Evers announced an additional $30 million of CARES Act funding to support early care and education providers.
The Child Care Counts: COVID-19 Supplementary Payment Program is designed to help counter troubling trends persisting in the aftermath of the public health emergency. The additional round of funding will be distributed through two new programs targeted at the current challenges early care and education providers are facing.
Providing safe, healthy, and high-quality child care opportunities
This program is intended to support the costs of maintaining or enhancing compliance status, quality level (YoungStar rating), and increasing health and safety practices. Funds will help ensure high-quality care is available across the state, specifically at younger ages where reasonable alternatives to child care do not exist.
Funding staff recruitment and retention efforts
As providers move back to regular operations, many have struggled to bring back staff due to depressed wages. This program is designed to support the costs associated with recruiting and retaining high-quality staff.
Eligible providers can submit their applications for the two programs from September 9-18, with payment notifications being issued on September 26, 2020. Read more about the program details.
- Tom Copeland’s Taking Care of Business
- Financial Resources to help get through COVID-19 ( UW-Madison Extension)
- Visit Small Business Help to start your free GoFundMe page. Share your fundraiser with your community, using #SmallBizRelief to spread the word. Learn more about how the Small Business Relief Initiative will support these fundraisers, boosting contributions from your supporters.
- SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program Applicants may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela. Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800) 659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard‑of‑hearing may call (800) 877-8339. Completed applications should be mailed to U.S. Small Business Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155. The deadline to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan is Dec. 21, 2020.
- U.S. Small Business Administration Resources and Services
- WEDC GRANT SB20/20 Guidelines
Applications Closed: Child Care Counts: COVID-19 Supplementary Payment Program – Round 2(
Gov. Evers, DCF Secretary Amundson Announce $50 Million for Additional Child Care Counts Payments for Early Care and Education
Gov. Tony Evers, with Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) Secretary Emilie Amundson announced $50 million in funding for an additional round of Child Care Counts payments for early care and education. Read the complete press release here.
“Throughout our public health emergency, Wisconsin has been a leader in prioritizing the needs of the early care and education community,” said Gov. Evers. “We know what’s best for kids is best for our state, and we have to connect the dots by making sure our families have access to safe, affordable, and high-quality child care so more people can remain in our workforce.”
The Child Care Counts: COVID-19 Supplementary Payment Program – Round 2 has similar criteria to the most recent awards. It consists of two programs targeted at the current challenges early care and education providers face. The application period runs October 26 through November 6. Applications and program eligibility details will be available on DCF’s website starting October 26, 2020 with the application window closing November 6, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.
Resources to Support Refugee & Immigrant Families
- This regularly updated list of trainings, primarily focused on early educators, offers various trainings on topics such as resiliency, cultural competency and trauma-informed care, that would be helpful in supporting immigrant and refugee children and families.
- SFTA Newsletter (Issue 25), see pages 7-9: Supporting Refugee & Immigrant Families
- Department of Children & Families, Refugee Resources: This webpage offers Wisconsin-specific and national links to resources, programs and agencies supporting refugee children and families.
- Department of Health Services, Trauma-Informed Care Resources: These resources will help you to build a foundation of understanding and knowledge to implement trauma-informed care in your work.
Military & Veteran Family Resources
ZERO TO THREE has developed resources specially designed for military and veteran families and the professionals who serve them.
Babies on the Homefront App provides military and veteran parents ideas for enhancing everyday moments with their baby or toddler. Parents can sort information by their young child’s age and specify their situation as At Home, Leaving Soon, Deployed, Home Again, a Veteran, or visiting a hospital. The app also allows quick access to a series of vodcasts on parenting for military and veteran families.
Military Families Resources for Young Children | Sesame Street Explore parenting advice and tips to find information on self-expression, positive parenting, and answers to common concerns of military families.
Military Child Education Coalition | MCEC provides programs and resources to address the unique educational challenges that face military-connected children.
Tolerance/Anti-Bias and Equity in Early Childhood
- Advancing Equity in ECE Position Statement – NAEYC
- Becoming Upended: Teaching and Learning about Race and Racism with Young Children and Their Families – NAEYC
- “Children Are Not Colorblind: How Young Children Learn Race”. Erin N. Winkler, Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee
- Children’s Peace Education & Anti-Bias Library
- A curriculum for young children and books to teach peacemaking with young children.
- Helping Children Cope with Traumatic Events – Child Care Aware of America
- How to Talk to your Children about Protests and Racism – CNN
- Racial Justice, Equity and the Role of Child Care – Webinar
- Teaching Tolerance Website: Resources around implicit bias and systemic racism.
- “Beyond the Golden Rule: A Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Responding to Prejudice”
Family Health Center of Marshfield
Family Health Center of Marshfield, Inc., is a federally funded community health center. We strive to enhance community health by bringing high-quality health care services to people who can’t afford them. Learn more here.