Dream UP!

Dream Up! Child Care Supply-Building Grant Program.
The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) provided competitive applications in 2022 and 2023. Through this program, awarded communities received strategic planning support and $75,000 in grant funding. Additional $5,000 stipends were allocated to participating child care providers who submit updated business plans during the strategic planning process. Through a collaborative community approach, teams of community stakeholders, worked to evaluate, plan, sustain, and expand existing child care, and support new child care programs.  To learn more about Dream Up! click here

In 2022, the First Children’s Finance (FCF) National Consulting Team began working with the state of Wisconsin as part of the Project Growth initiative known as “Dream Up!.” Through an application process, 37 communities were chosen to participate in the Strategic Supply Planning Process, including eight hours of community facilitation around child care needs. Upon completion, each community received $75,000 to assist in their plans.

In total, $1,659,682 ($945,000 to 189 child care providers and $714,682 to 19 communities) was disbursed through the State of Wisconsin’s Dream Up! Child Care Supply Building grant program. To learn more click here

Project Growth  is one of many initiatives DCF introduced to stabilize our communities’ child care systems and boost Wisconsin’s economy. As one of its grant programs, Dream Up! provided funding and strategic planning guidance to support child care supply-building through a collaborative community approach. After awarding a couple of cohorts of recipients, DCF partnered with KW2 to conduct an evaluation. Early findings were released in October 2022, and the final reports for the Dream Up! grant program are now available as well. To learn more about Project Growth click here.

Childcaring Staff are on several community Dream Up! teams within our service area.
To learn more about each team, click on the county.


Goals of Adams County Dream Up!:

  • Identify at least 3 locations for expansion of current child care facilities.
  • Develop a messaging strategy to communicate the benefits of expanding access to quality child care.

Team Lead: Erin Schiferl, Children and Family Services Manager, Adams County Healthy and Human Services Department

Active Team Members:

Amber Taylor, ACHHSD
Audra Jackson, ACHHSD
Candy Schraufnagel, ACHHSD
Daric Smith, Adams County Economic Development Coordinator
Erin Hess, SWC/Adams YMCA
Gayle Schiszik, Childcaring Inc.
Jerry Exterovich, USDA

Kelly Borchardt, Childcaring Inc
Kristine Joyce, Childcaring, Inc.
Michelle Allard, AFASD
Sheila Michels, UW-Extension
Suzanne Hoppe, Renewal Unlimited (Headstart)
Tina Smith, ACHHSD

Success story: Possibly our most successful outcome from the Alliance, and particularly the Dream Up! grant, would be the collaboration with community partners, especially the YMCA, Headstart, local school district, Midstate and Childcaring Inc. There have been some fruitful conversations and many ideas generated to support the infrastructure to bring in more local childcare. Our first focus is on building an early childhood education workforce, starting with our youngest community members, by offering the SafeSitter program to promote responsible caregiving at a young age.


Mission: The Langlade County Dream Up! Childcare Taskforce is committed to ensuring every family in our community has access to quality, regulated childcare.

Our mission is to maintain existing regulated childcare slots, expand childcare options, and secure sustainable funding support for providers. By fostering collaboration and advocacy, we aim to create a thriving, accessible childcare environment that empowers families and strengthens the economic vitality of Langlade County.

To learn more about this Early Childhood/Dream Up team, please contact Childcaring.

Round 4 – Child Care Dream Up! Grant: Before December 1, 2025 (as funding allows)


The Langlade County Dream Up! Team has funding available to support early childhood education! Grants are intended to aid regulated child care programs with continuing education, professional development, staff retention, staff recruitment, costs associated with starting a new child care program, minor renovations, or program expansion. Final award amount may be based on overall participation.


  • Application Due: ongoing, before December 1, 2025 (as funding allow)
  • Notice of Award: emailed within 2 weeks of receiving completed application
  • Awards Granted: Notification sent to bank for payment within one week of Notice of Award
  • Report with Receipts Due: within one month of Notice of Award


To read more about Logans journey, 
like many families in Langlade County click here.

Langlade County child care task force shares local data demonstrating crisis, asking for community solutions!
Click here to view the coverage by Emily Davies – WSAW


Team Lead: Lincoln County Government

Active Team Members:
Lincoln County Administration
Lincoln County Social Services
Merrill School District
Tomahawk School District
Childcaring, Inc.
Redeemer Learning Center
Trinity Merrill Lutheran Early Learning Center
Merrill Chamber of Commerce
Lincoln County Economic Development Corporation
Children's WI
WI Department of Children & Families
Community Members & Parents
Prairie River School for Young Learners
St. John's Lutheran Church & School

Mission: Creating unique opportunities to increase child care capacity in rural communities

The Lincoln County Dream Up! Team is excited to share the work of this group and the benefits to Lincoln County as we wrap up the Child Care Supply-Building Grant. Lincoln County was selected by the Department of Children and Families for the 2022 fall cohort and the Lincoln County Board through resolution approved acceptance of this grant. Over the last 12 months, agencies throughout the county have come together to assess Lincoln County child care capacity, the economic impact to the county due to child care shortages, and work to support current and aspiring child care providers. On November 10, the team was able to showcase their efforts to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, Emilie Amundson, who toured Trinity Childcare and heard from the team members about the successes of community collaborative efforts, barriers to building the childcare supply and future hopes.

Through the support of this grant, Lincoln County Dream Up! was able to:

  • Provide $41,000 in retention and sustainability grants to current Lincoln County providers. These funds helped obtain quality and safe equipment providers otherwise couldn’t afford, provided staff bonuses, purchased large motor skills equipment (tricycles), outdoor playground toys and met other essential needs.
  • Partner with Trinity Childcare to support training needs of staff to meet regulations to support obtaining licensure. This will allow greater access to those who receive WI Shares, the state child care assistance.
  • both Tomahawk and Merrill Schools who are working toward providing high school students curriculum where students can receive college credit and training towards Early Childhood Education.
  • Collaborate with the Chambers of Commerce in Merrill and Tomahawk to provide educational outreach to multiple non-profit organizations and businesses to support increasing childcare capacity. This included sharing information from a locally conducted survey.
  • Support the Lincoln County Health Department in providing a Community Baby Shower that provided care packages and access to community resources that address childcare, child safety and healthy development.
  • Partner with Langlade County Dream Up! Team to develop marketing and support our shared childcare resource agency, Childcaring Inc., who now hosts a landing page for our teams. Childcaring can provide information regarding how to become regulated, funding available to support the process of becoming regulated, information for people looking for childcare, and more.

While the grant is wrapping up, the Lincoln County Dream Up! Team will continue to work with our community to support our current and aspiring providers!

Lincoln County Residents participated in a recent survey regarding childcare.

Of those participants

  • 14 have multiple children at different locations for childcare
  • 39 currently use a family member or friend for childcare
  • 26 left the workforce in the last 5 years because of childcare issues
  • 11 more had a significant other or another family member leave the workforce

for a total 49% surveyed; 60% of the participants had challenges within the last 2 years accessing childcare

According to the WI Department of Children & Families – Preschool Development Grant Sandbox Data:

  • 75% of zip codes in Lincoln County are considered child care deserts (areas with little or no access to quality childcare.
  • There are only 15 regulated (certified or licensed) child care options with a capacity to serve 429 children in Lincoln County as of July 2023!
  • The Median Household Income in Lincoln County according to the 2020 census was $59,152.
  • The Median Income is $56,645.

A family with a child age 0-1 in a group child care setting will pay an average of $9,392/year which is 2.4 times the affordable amount (16.6% of income is spent on child care). The Federal Government defines affordable care as no more than 7% of a families yearly income should be spent on child care.

Data last updated: 2/7/2022

Interested in helping?

  • Consider volunteering! Providers have shared that even just 1 day per week can result in Healthier Meals (by helping prepare fresh fruits and vegetables) and Support Retention of Teachers/Assistant Teachers.
  • Teachers spend their days with the children. Cleaning and preparing curriculum/activities happen after the day ends. Helping clean the classrooms allows teachers the time to regroup and focus on improving their teaching
  • Help with opening/closing times. The transition times of children coming and going is chaotic for teachers, caregivers, and the children. Having extra hands and eyes improves safety and communication.
  • Respond to any future call to actions
  • Dream Up! Is excited about current community conversations and anticipate action in the near future that will provide additional support to regulated providers. Stay informed and share these as they develop with others.
  • Support school districts in their efforts in developing Early Childhood Education Programs
  • Consider the opportunity of becoming a child care provider; either in your home as a Family Child Care Provider; or work in a Group Child Care Center. Contact Childcaring for more information to get started!



Team Lead: Marathon County Government

Active Team Members:

Marathon County Administration
Marathon County Health Department
D.C. Everest School District
City of Wausau
Childcaring, Inc.
Marathon County Special Education
North Central WI Workforce Development Board
Wausau Chamber of Commerce
Wausau Child Care
Wausau School District
Woodson YMCA
UWSP at Wausau

Goal: All working families in Marathon County have accessible, affordable quality child care in their community.

The Dream Up! grant has been an important catalyst for collaboration and community conversation about child care in Marathon County. The main benefit of the Dream Up! grant so far is that stakeholders have come together to discuss and address the child care crisis in Marathon County. Utilizing the Results Based Accountability (RBA) process, the Dream Up! core team selected a result, indicators, and strategies and have leveraged opportunities to have community conversations with WI DCF Secretary Emilie Amundson, various Marathon County Board committees, and a Child Care Town Hall hosted by the Greater Wausau Area Chamber of Commerce on child care in Marathon County.

Through a partnership with Childcaring, Inc, Dream Up! grant funding was distributed to 15 group child care centers that was used to support staff bonuses, professional development opportunities, classroom supplies, and outdoor play materials. The Marathon County Dream Up! Core Team has prioritized the following strategies:

Invest: retain the current child care workforce in Marathon County.

Leverage public-private funding partnership with existing child care providers.

Explore alternative child care business models.


Portage County FORWARD:
Early Learning & Care Coalition

Together, we can build a stronger Portage County.  By investing in early education, you’re investing in the future of Portage County.  Your support will impact every business, employer, family, and our larger community.

Coalition Members:
April Hartjes, Mid-State Technical College
April Niemi, CAP Services Inc.
Becky Helf, UW-Stevens Point Learning and Care Center
Christina Lorge, Mid-State Technical College
Beth Smith, United Way of Portage County
Jennifer Kleiner, Canaland Christian Academy of Early Learning
Jodi Becker, Almond Bancroft Schools
Kelly Borchardt, Childcaring Inc.
Lori Shafranski, Childcaring Inc.
Mae Nachman, United Way of Portage County
Maria Coakley. Children’s Wisconsin
Marlee Samuels, Community Foundation of Central Wisconsin
Mary Olson, Little Sneakers Family Day Care
Michael Witte, Portage County Business Council
Paula Erickson, Delta Dental of WI
Rob Manzke, UW- Stevens Point
Ryan Zietlow, Stevens Point Area YMCA
Sherrie Stanczyk, Stevens Point Area Public School District
Sue Matis, Skyward, Inc.
Webster Francois, Marshfield Clinic Medical Center

Learn more about how Portage County FORWARD helps: 


Portage County FORWARD: Early Learning & Care Coalition was created to positively reshape the child care landscape in Portage County resulting in better outcomes for all. Our goals are ambitious yet achievable with your help:

  • Increase accessibility to quality child care for all families
  • Boost affordability through innovative funding models
  • Enhance care quality by financially supporting providers
  • Engage businesses in child care-friendly practices
  • Drive economic growth through improved workforce participation
  • Build community-wide collaboration and support for child care

Join us in this initiative—together, we will build a brighter future for our children, businesses, and community.

For more information on Portage County Forward click here

In January of 2024, Portage County Dream Up! funds were used to provide a Supporting Children with Strong Emotions training and also help create calming areas within child care programs. 

31 child care providers attended the training put on by Childcaring.  Providers learned various strategies for helping young children with their emotions and were also provided materials to incorporate into their classrooms!


Team Lead: Medford School District

Dream Up Partner Child Care Grant Action Plan Team Organizations:

Sandbox Day Care
Medford Schools
Childcaring Inc
Taylor County Early Childhood Council
Rib Lake Schools
Gilman Schools
Aspirus of Medford
Abiding Care and Pregnancy Resource Center
Taylor County Birth to Three
Immanuel Lutheran
Holy Rosary
First Children Finance

  1. Increase community awareness & promotion of resources with community outreach efforts within the next 6 month. (Community Awareness)
  2. Understand childcare capacity and needs in Taylor County by October 30, 2023. (Access to Care)
  3. Expand community collaboration and partnership agencies by October 30, 2023. (Partnerships)
  4. Support current childcare providers based on their identified needs by October 30, 2023. (Workforce)

Childcaring provided 6 family child care providers $1,150 each to aid in staff retention compensation, program supplies/equipment, or minor renovations through the Taylor County Dream Up! Grant. Items purchased included a book shelf, balancing step, storage shelves, a rug, backseat car alarm, learning curriculum, cleaning supplies and more.

One provider commented:

“After 27 years in business many bigger items needed to be updated and this grant came at a perfect time for me to do that”


Team Leads: Wood County Health Department, Extension Wood County.

Active Team Member Organizations:
Apple Tree Childcare
Aspirus Medical Group
Building Blocks Learning Center
Centergy, Inc.
Childcaring, Inc.
Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce
Little Sprouts Learning Garden
Mama Bears Childcare, LLC
Marshfield Area United Way
Marshfield Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Marshfield Clinic Health System YMCA
Mid-State Technical College
South Wood County YMCA
United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties
Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools
Wood County
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

  • By February 2024, provide two opportunities for childcare providers who operate in Wood County to come together to network, collaborate, and engage in shared learning events. The expected outcome of this goal is to build a sense of comradery and a mechanism for child care providers to support one another, share ideas, and brainstorm solutions to challenges; provide learning opportunities; gather input on needs.
  • By February 2024, provide 16 group child care providers with grant funding to be used for things like employee recruitment and retention or expansion. The expected outcome of this goal is that child care providers receiving funding are able to get and retain employees, resulting in maintaining or opening additional child care slots; expansion funds would also result in added slots.<

15 Group Centers in Wood County were awarded $4,250 each! As the local child care resource and referral agency, Childcaring reached out to each eligible group of child care programs to let me know about this wonderful opportunity to apply for retention grants. Programs filled out a very simple application and funds were directly deposited into their bank accounts to make this an easy process for center staff.

Funds helped to support: Infant Formula/Food, Cleaning and Classroom Supplies, Outdoor and Indoor Equipment, Repairs, Insurance, Professional Development, and Staff Retention Bonuses.

Here are just some of the comments from area administrators/directors about how the funds impacted their programs:

  • The funding from this grant has given us the ability to purchase items for every classroom, every age, including for our staff. We have been able to replace &amp; upgrade items that have been donated years ago that have run their course. Thank you so very much for this amazing grant!
  • Food and supply costs along with insurance, rent, etc. have all risen drastically in the last year. We appreciated being able to use these funds to pay for things we use daily at our center. We were able to hold off until March with raising our costs/rates to parents! THANK YOU!
  • This funding will allow my staff to have updated equipment to continue to provide educational materials and support for all our children in care. Also, being able to offer retention bonuses will show our staff support and appreciation of the important services they provide to our families.

Group Child Care Materials

Apply by March 28th, 2025

Funding Available for a one-time grant up to $100,000 for new or existing GCC programs!

Family Child Care Materials

Apply by October 31st, 2025

Funding available is intended for a one-time grant for up to $5,000 for FCC provider or up to $10,000 for a newly licensed FCC provider!