Team Lead: Erin Schiferl, Children and Family Services Manager, Adams County Healthy and Human Services Department
Active Team Members:
Amber Taylor, ACHHSD
Audra Jackson, ACHHSD
Candy Schraufnagel, ACHHSD
Daric Smith, Adams County Economic Development Coordinator
Erin Hess, SWC/Adams YMCA
Gayle Schiszik, Childcaring Inc.
Jerry Exterovich, USDA
Kelly Borchardt, Childcaring Inc
Kristine Joyce, Childcaring, Inc.
Michelle Allard, AFASD
Sheila Michels, UW-Extension
Suzanne Hoppe, Renewal Unlimited (Headstart)
Tina Smith, ACHHSD
Success story: Possibly our most successful outcome from the Alliance, and particularly the Dream Up! grant, would be the collaboration with community partners, especially the YMCA, Headstart, local school district, Midstate and Childcaring Inc. There have been some fruitful conversations and many ideas generated to support the infrastructure to bring in more local childcare. Our first focus is on building an early childhood education workforce, starting with our youngest community members, by offering the SafeSitter program to promote responsible caregiving at a young age.
Mission: The Langlade County Dream Up! Childcare Taskforce is committed to ensuring every family in our community has access to quality, regulated childcare.
Our mission is to maintain existing regulated childcare slots, expand childcare options, and secure sustainable funding support for providers. By fostering collaboration and advocacy, we aim to create a thriving, accessible childcare environment that empowers families and strengthens the economic vitality of Langlade County.
To learn more about this Early Childhood/Dream Up team, please contact Childcaring.