Childcaring works in partnership with your business to meet your employees’ child care needs. Employees of companies that have contracts with Childcaring can access ongoing support, including:
- On-Site Work/Family Seminars
- Enhanced child care referrals for families including vacancies
- Information on selecting and evaluating quality child care programs
- Follow-up calls to ensure satisfaction with the child care selection and our service
- Recruitment of child care providers in areas where employees live and child care need exists

Work Toward Shared Goals with Project Growth
Partner Up! Grant Program
The Wisconsin Department of Children & Families Partner Up! grant program will provide $10 million in funding to support partnerships between essential businesses who purchase slots at existing regulated child care providers. The funding will be awarded based on existing community child care needs throughout Wisconsin. The funding from this program can be used to increase staff compensation, pay expenses, reserve child care slots for local business employees, improve the quality of a child care program, and more.
Press Release 2/16/2022: Childcaring, Inc. to help local businesses secure child care for employees through new Partner Up! grant program
Please, help spread the word by sharing these links to one-page Partner Up! resource sheets:
Dream Up! Child Care Supply-Building Grant Program
DCF is working with First Children’s Finance to administer the Project Growth: Dream Up! grant program. The Dream Up! grants will offer $8.1 million to support 30 communities around the state over the next two years. Through a collaborative community approach, teams will work to evaluate, plan, sustain existing child care, and expand it in areas where there is need. Learn more about Dream Up!
Project Growth’s grant programs: Partner Up! and Dream Up! Grant applications for both programs are closed. Learn more at: projectgrowth.wi.gov.
Why Get Involved?
Ensuring employee peace of mind through quality child care will benefit your business, all the way to the bottom line. Benefits to employers include:
- Increased employee productivity
- Reduced absenteeism and turnover
- Enhanced employee recruitment efforts
- Strengthened public relations
- Improved employee morale and loyalty.
Responsible Parents are Responsible Workers
- A majority of children live with two working parents or a single working parent.
- The workforce is 53% female, including 67% of mothers with children age six or under.
- Single fathers responsible for child care constitute one of America’s fastest growing consumer groups.
All of these parents have one common concern: caring for their children while they work. For parents, the overwhelming task of arranging child care creates stress and may affect productivity, work attitudes, absenteeism, longevity and a number of other critical areas bearing on employee performance.
Resources for Businesses
- How Employers Can Support Parent Workers & Early Childhood Development Efforts
- Food For Thought: Investing in Early Childhood & Supporting Working Parents
- Learn More About Strengthening Business Through Investments in Youth
- The Raising of America: Early Childhood & the Future of Our Nation
- Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow: The Business Case for High Quality Childcare